About Prominance
uPVC Windows & Doors

We are the largest manufacturer & installer of uPVC Windows & Doors with Single, Double & Triple Glazing options all across South Africa.

About Prominance - South Africa

Prominance is one of the largest manufacturer and installer of uPVC Windows & Doors with Single, Double & Triple Glazing. Our team brings an experience of over 10 years in the field of manufacturing, installation and after sales services of uPVC products. 
Our success stems from the joyful customer experience that we ensure by following a systematic and transparent approach starting from measurements to post sales services.

Cutting Edge manufacturing Process

Strenuous African conditions demand that uPVC installations are robust enough. We accomplish that through our state of the art manufacturing facilities overseen by top-tier talent and ensuring the best manufacturing practices.

The process is designed specifically keeping in mind the harsh African Weather conditions.

High Quality Raw Materials

Inline with our quality policy, only the best inputs can give us the best outputs, thus quality construction begins with quality choice of materials.

The finest grades of additives arrive from fortune 500 companies across the world which are widely considered as World's Best Grade for uPVC Window & Door profiles. 

Quality Control Processes & Tests

Research & testing that adheres to international standards is what enables us to consistently maintain the set benchmarks. Internal quality compliances have been met as per EN 12608 Standards. Some important aspects are Dimensional accuracy, Colour, Straightness, heat Reversion, Heat Ageing, Impact Resistance and determination of the appearance and profile mass.

uPVC Windows & Doors - South Africa

Prominance  Vision

Our Vision is to provide the customers with the delight of high quality uPVC Windows & Doors profiles, which surpass the EN12608-1:2016 standards for UV resistance and Mechanical Properties by  by a huge margin .

Our uPVC windows & doors have been accredited by both SKZ - Germany and BSI -United Kingdom for accelerated Weatherability Test(Artificial weathering up to 25000 hours), Mechanical Properties & Chemical Composition of our formulation.

uPVC Windows & Doors tested by South African labs BSI & SKZ for Weather Resistance

The most energy efficient windows in South Africa

Contact Us For A Demo Today

UV & Weather Resistant uPVC Window & Door Systems designed for African conditions

Prominance uPVC Windows Now In South Africa

Prominance Infrastructure

⬛ International Tieups with Fortune 500 companies for sourcing the Raw Material
⬛ Extrusion facility with the installed capacity of 7200 Million Tonne profiles per annum.
⬛ Associated infrastructures of PLC based automatic weighing and batching system.
⬛ High-tech tool room, modern QA functions and Net Gen Research & Development Division.
⬛ Future capability of 30000 MT profiles Per Annum, which can be achieved by an addition of another 12 extrusion lines in the next phase of expansion.
⬛ Nation Wide Delivery & Installation of uPVC Windows & uPVC Doors